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Product name : Activated carbon sponge filter mesh
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Activated carbon sponge 
Also known as: charcoal cotton, activated carbon filter cotton, activated carbon filter sponge 
Category: No 
Material: Foam + activated carbon 
Color: Black 
Temperature: ≤80 ℃ 
Structure: sheet 
Filtration precision: 1-10μ 
Features: a dual role deodorant and dust. 
Uses: In addition to odor, dust 
Activated carbon sponge common places: general air filtration system or the ultimate end filtration device before deodorizing filter. 
Activated carbon sponge should pay attention to the problem: 1: So the role models of activated carbon sponge is mainly dust, plus get rid of part of the smell, to completely odor, please remind. 2: Do not wash, so cleansed filter media: activated carbon powder. 3: To know the sponge activated carbon pore size.

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