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Also known as: sponge filter, foam, black sponge 
Category: 10-60PPI 
Material: made ​​of foam 
Color: Black 
Temperature: ≤100 ℃ 
Structure: Foam Type 
Filter efficiency: G1-G4 
Features: hardness is good, varied shapes for a variety of filters. 
Purpose: dust, sound-absorbing, aquarium filters, filling, etc. 
Common places of the screen: the speakers, computer chassis, the equipment, air purification system primary filter 
Should pay attention to the problem of the screen: 1: Depending on the density of the sponge filter into 10-60PPI, when the choice must know yourself fit with what. 
Or inform the salesperson technical parameters. 2: filter sponge is black, other colors for other general use sponges. 
Regular size: 1 / 2m * 2m

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